December 7, 2019 In Outdoor Edventures Spencer Creek Snowshoe It was a bit of a challenging 'shoe' due to varied trail conditions, but that is part of the game. ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn
November 30, 2019 In Outdoor Edventures Commonwealth Creek Snowshoe It was a bit cool but a beautiful backdrop with the bluebird sky and snow-covered peaks. ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn
March 31, 2019 In Outdoor Edventures James Walker Creek Trail What a magical bluebird day with 32 two and four legged creatures enjoying one of my favorite and least traveled trails. ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn
February 24, 2019 In Outdoor Edventures Buller Pass Snowshoe Despite mother nature tossing us some cooler temperatures we were quite warm and Ian gets the cover photo for his self portrait snow drawing. ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn
November 24, 2018 In Outdoor Edventures Spencer Creek Hike Another beautiful day with friends and the canines on a trail we just discovered a few years ago and has become a favorite of the group. ShareFacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn