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Spin Motivator Extraordinaire – Interview with Claudia Ling

What inspired you to become a YYC Motivator (aka spin instructor)?


The positive vibes, powerful energy and courage that are brought together by the Bikergang.


When I first stepped foot into YYC Cycle in September 2015, I had a little evil named “fear” in me. I didn’t know what to expect, wasn’t sure if I would physically/mentally be able to handle the intensity of it. I just wasn’t sure how far out of my comfort zone I was getting away from, given that I never even grew up riding a bike!


That 50 minutes changed my life! Within that class, I danced to the beat of the sick tracks, almost fell off a bike (Yes. That happened.), fist-pumped to other Bikergang who were here for the same reasons ( sweat | be proud | laugh ), was inspired and motivated to surpass my imaginary limit and I came out feeling more energetic, uplifted and happy than ever.


I want to share that same feeling with each and every Bikergang who come through those doors. Letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be or what we’re supposed to do and spend that 50 minutes embracing who we are and what we need to do for ourselves.


What did you have to do to become a Motivator?


Mindset, skill and practice. With anything in life, in order to be great at what you do, you need the magic 3’s.

Mindset: Have a purpose and set a goal in what you do (know the why) and never let go. When the only option is the finish line, you build confidence, resilience and commitment.

            Skill: After a try-out, I was granted the opportunity to be a part of the YYC Cycle Motivator 8-week training program where the owner, Andrew Obrecht personally led the program. Not only was I provided a handbook that taught me all about Beat, Body and Movements. Andrew and other motivators also shared their valuable experience in what they’ve learned in their journeys.

Practice: Determination is key. Having the mindset and skill won’t check the box if you don’t put it into practice. When I was training to be a motivator, I started to realize how much I was surrounded by music. The radio, the malls, TV, restaurants, friends’ gathering…etc. Every opportunity I got, I visualized myself teaching a class and I’d start to count the beats, imaging the moves I’d do. I would Shazam them and I would get on the bike at the gym to start practicing!


At the end of the 8-week training program, we all had the opportunity to lead a Friends & Family class where I was able to share what I’ve accomplished with my loved ones.


Till today, 3 years later, I’m still learning to better myself every time I’m in the studio. It’s a constant growth because there is no limit.


What do you enjoy most about leading the classes?


We all have the magic and fire that can fuel our mind and soul, as well as others. We just may not know how to, or have the space to unleash it. I’m lucky to have found the space for me to do so and I hope the Bikergang that joins me in the studio have found that in the same space.


Being able to come together, share the same goal and unleash the magic and fire from within, alongside strangers, friends and family is what fulfills me.


Have you had anything strange happen during one of your classes?


Ha! Well this actually happened recently. About 5 minutes into the class, I heard a pop from the saddle of my spin bike and the seat was tilted. I instantly thought (and announced to the class) “I think I just broke my bike!” As a motivator running the class, pausing the class was not an option for me so while I wasn’t sure what happened, I continued leading the class with the broken saddle. Endless hovers for me for the rest of the class!


What else do you do for work?


Outside of the studio, I’m a Lead, Customer Base Management at a Telecommunication company. I work closely with Sales, Customer Service, Marketing and Product teams to develop and execute various Base Management strategies to optimize customer satisfaction, operational efficiency and profitability.


What other things do you enjoy doing in life?


Exploring the world! I love traveling to different parts of the world and experience life outside of my home town. Being able to see and learn the different cultures and lifestyles helps me grow and continue to shape who I am as a person.


I also love trying new things on a regular basis. Whether it’s going to a new restaurant, a new recreational class, a new recipe, a new sport, I’m always willing to try because experience is the only way I can find out what I’m passionate about.


What brought you joy this week?


Recognizing the power of gratitude is something I’m learning more of. I am often focusing on what I don’t have and it’s been taking away the joy I am surrounded by.


My joy this week is the love and support I receive, from people saying “Good morning!” to “I heard a joke and it reminded me of you!” These seemingly simple words make me carry a smile every day.