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Pincushion Mountain Hike

Pincushion Mountain Hiking trail in Peachland, BC. 30-40 minute drive south of Kelowna on Highway 97 (painful to get thru West Kelowna). Need to wind your way up a steep hill on Ponderosa Drive. Not a very well-marked trail in

How Yoga Can Extend Beyond Daily Downward Dog

Courtesy of tuja wellness. If you had more hours in the day, there’s no question that some of them would go towards your yoga practice. Rather than separating your laundry into whites and darks,

OK, Seriously – What Does Meditation Do For You?

Courtesy of tuja wellness. Like pigeon pose for your tight hips, you’re looking for that special sauce to help your inner calm carry you on. They say meditation can help, but what’s all this chatter about a little bit of sitting  

It’s not called Retirement

Now that I have officially moved on from my 40 year career in the oil patch I constantly get the question ‘how is retirement’.  I’ve always had a disdain for this word as it sounds like too final of a word.   In it’s place I’ve been