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Rwanda To See The Mountain Gorillas

We were spending two weeks in Kenya with A Better World Canada charity and decided to use the proximity to shuttle over to Rwanda to see the mountain gorillas.


We were en route to Kenya and Rwanda and decided to take advantage of the Amsterdam connection to kill some of the jet lag and see some sites

Hire right so you don’t have to fire

I have always put a huge emphasis on hiring the right people and this HR specialist is one of the best people I ever worked with to get the right people in place.

Canine Chat

I have had dogs my entire life, and they have always brought me tremendous joy, so I sat down with our current pup and had a quick chat with her.

Buller Pass Snowshoe

Despite mother nature tossing us some cooler temperatures we were quite warm and Ian gets the cover photo for his self portrait snow drawing.

Phoenix Winter Escape

We are fortunate to have some friends that have a place in Phoenix (Florence area) who were kind enough to let us stay with them for ten days.

Butcher Jones Trail

Edventure took the show on the road to a trail NW of Mesa (Phoenix) AZ using some local knowledge of our snowbird friends Rob and Mieke.