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Bourgeau Lake Hike

We set out under uncertain weather conditions and mother nature won out as we fell short of the lake due to the challenging snow conditions on the trail.

Amsterdam Trip

My buddy An was in Amsterdam at his daughter's place to dog sit while his daughter and her partner were on vacation in Japan, so I kept him company for a few days.

Shared Autonomous Vehicles

My business partner, Matt Krill, delves into the new, exciting, innovative, and uncertain world of shared autonomous vehicles.

South Wind Creek Hike

It was another day where mother nature threw us a snow curve ball so we aborted our original intention  for an idea Lynn came up with in the Wind Valley area.

Seattle Family Trip

We try to get away with our daughters at least once a year to a location we have never been to, and Seattle fit the bill as well as our schedules.

Cougar Creek Hike

This is not the most exciting hike but it's hard to find trails at this time of year that are relatively easy to navigate in the shoulder season.

James Walker Creek Trail

What a magical bluebird day with 32 two and four legged creatures enjoying one of my favorite and least traveled trails.

Three Very Different Reads

From behind the Red curtain, to the danger and joys of waves, to behind the mask of one of hockey’s goaltending legends.

Stanley Glacier Snowshoe/Hike

A stroll up to Stanley Glacier is a relatively easy and fun jaunt at any time of the year and particularly on a warm winter day.