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Buller Pass Loop Trail

Buller Pass is one of the most scenic hikes in the Kananaskis area.  On this particular day we had some unexpected encounters.

Healy Pass Hike

Healy Pass is a great hike to do in the late spring/summer for the wildflowers or in the fall for the blooming of the larch trees.

My Yoga Journey

Sometimes you want to do something in life but for some reason it does not happen until years later thru a series of happenstance.

Spokane Trip

A former colleague, Zack, and his wife Brandi operate a venue ranch just west of Spokane, and they kindly invited us to spend a weekend with them.

Spencer Creek Hike

Spencer Creek is trail we stumbled upon a few years ago and it has become a staple for both the summer hiking and winter snowshoe schedule.