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Headwall Lakes Hike

Headwall Lakes is one of those hidden gems that a lot of people forego to do Chester Lake out of the same parking lot.

Nova Scotia/Newfoundland Trip

We went to Chester to visit friends and experience the International Sailing week along with our first jaunt over to Newfoundland.

Rummel Lake and Pass Hike

Rummel Lake and Pass is an underrated hike that offers some tremendous beauty on what is a relatively gentle trail.

Kelowna P11 Workouts

Kelowna summers are a great time to get in multiple forms of exercise.  Eleven of these activities start with a ‘P’ and are showcased in this video.

Vancouver and Vancouver Island Trip

A long-time buddy, Hank, invited us to visit him and his gal friend Jenn, at their place in Nanaimo, and we tied in some other stops along the way.

Tent Ridge Hike

Tent Ridge is one of our favorite hikes as it offers spectacular 360-degree views of the Kananaskis and Banff National Parks amazing mountains.

Is Golf Dying?

The sport of golf has seen a significant reduction in the number of people who are enjoying this outdoor sports, so the question is what does the future hold.