December 17, 2019 Spin Motivator Extraordinaire – Interview with Claudia Ling Claudia is an amazingly uplifting and inspiring person.
December 14, 2019 Rummel Lake Winter Hike Rummel Lake is a nice mid-level stroll that provides a good workout but doesn't bust a lung along the way.
December 8, 2019 Survivor Champ Shares Her Story My daughter hooked herself into the online Survivor game and shares the background of this ORG with us.
December 7, 2019 Spencer Creek Snowshoe It was a bit of a challenging 'shoe' due to varied trail conditions, but that is part of the game.
November 30, 2019 Commonwealth Creek Snowshoe It was a bit cool but a beautiful backdrop with the bluebird sky and snow-covered peaks.
November 24, 2019 New Zealand Trip Nineteen days of touring both the north and south island of New Zealand.
October 31, 2019 Master Creative – Interview with Gordon Galenza I've had the good fortune to know this world-class artist and be the recipient of his amazing work.
October 26, 2019 Money, Mokha and Music – Book Reviews My latest three reads are all over the map, which is fun as I enjoy delving into different subject matters.
October 26, 2019 Barrier Lake Lookout Hike It was nice to check out a new trail for most of us in celebration of the 'x' anniversary of Lynn's 39th birthday.
October 23, 2019 Outdoor Gear Maverick – Interview with Jay Hay Jason Hay is one cool dude who is always moving forward in life.