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Belize Trip

Our friends suggested Belize as an alternative to our original idea of Hawaii and since we had never been this sounded very appealing.

Sparrowhawk Snowshoe

Sparrowhawk was a bit challenging on this day due to the fresh snow and drifting that made it tough to find the trail and required some true snowshoe effort.

Marsh Girl, Maulings, and a Virgin

My latest three reads were all very different, but fun reads that provide interesting perspectives on humanity and it's complex relationships.

Shark Lake Snowshoe

This trail is a good one for all ages and abilities as it has very little elevation change, is under three hours, and offers some scenic views of the surrounding mountain ranges.

Cabo San Lucas Trip

It’s always nice to escape the Calgary winter for some fun in the sun along with some new adventures with good friends in tow.

Chatter Creek Cat Skiing

This was my 13th straight year of spending time with a fun group of 24 friends at this amazing backcountry lodge in a spectacular setting.

Chester Lake Snowshoe

Fortunately, we had a much warmer and sunnier day than we had expected as well as fewer crowds than normal on this trail.

Goat Creek Cross Country Ski

Goat Creek is a convenient trail given it's proximity to Canmore and a good workout with the return portion being uphill.