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Rock Ovens Hike

This hike, within the Kelowna city limits, provided some amazing geological formations on a relatively short and easy jaunt.

Pauls Tomb Hike

This is a nice hike as it's right within the Kelowna city limits with sweeping views of the area and a nice swimming bay at the end of the trail.

Bear Creek Hike

Bear Creek is a short drive from Kelowna and offers some interesting topography along with a decent workout getting up the canyon wall.

Rummel Lake and Pass Hike

This is a fun hike as it's not overly strenuous and it provides amazing views in three different valleys as well as the picturesque Rummel Lake and creek.

Sparrowhawk Tarns Hike

This trail has many unique rock formations including fossils, beautiful wildflowers, tarns, whistling marmots and dramatic cliff walls.

Spencer Creek Hike

Spencer Creek never disappoints and on this day we had an unexpected scare with a mountain sheep zipping across the trail at around 40 km per hour.

James Walker Hike

James Walker is one of my favorite hikes due to the lack of crowds, spectacular scenery, and it's not a gut busting outing.