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Vancouver Trip

Vancouver is one of the most beautiful cities in the world when the sun is shining which it did for us six days. The outdoors and food scene are exceptional.

Grouse Grind Trail

The Grouse Grind is a popular fitness trail in North Vancouver that is often referred to as Mother Nature's Stairmaster due to the constant uphill pitch.

Headwall Lakes Hike

Headwall Lakes is a beautiful hike and it's surprising that 90% of the people that go to the Chester Lake parking lot miss hiking to this area.    

Body Joint Maintenance

A lot of friends that are in my age demographic have joint issues that prevent them from enjoying life to the fullest, which is sad to see.

Interview with Kimberly Wiebe

My oriiginal yoga teacher from back in 2004 is continuing to evolve and motivate people in the health and wellness space.

Wind Ridge Hike

This is a spectacular hike that is close to Calgary and Canmore and not on a lot of people's radar screens for some reason, despite it's amazing 360 degree views.

Angel Springs Hike

This hike lacks in views but contains some interesting ecological areas culminating with the unique tufa deposits at the bottom of the canyon.