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Ribbon Falls Hike

This is a popular summer trail due to it's proximity to Kananaskis Village.  The falls is very spectacular and well worth the long jaunt.

Chester Lake Hike

This was a special hike as we spread the ashes of our canine pals Ceili, Oggie, and Jasper alongside my best friend Binger at the Elephant Rocks.

Black Prince Hike

Black Prince is a challenging hike due to the elevation and especially on this day as early-season winter conditions caught us off guard.

Top Five Hikes

People often ask me what my favorite hikes are in this majestic part of the world that I live in, so here it goes and let the debate begin.

Mt. St. Piran hike

This hike is a hidden gem right in the midst of some of the most heavily travelled trails in the Bow Valley, and especially during larch season.

Giant Steps Hike

The Giant Steps is an amazing hike when you combine the September larch tree color change with the amazing rock formations at the Giant Steps falls.

Burstall Pass Hike

Burstall Pass is a great hike as it contains some picturesque lakes, amazing rock formations, spectacular mountains, and beautiful foilage.