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Buller Mountain Snowshoe

Despite a chilly temperature of -18C on the way up the trail, we had a very pleasant stroll to the base of Buller Mountain on a bluebird day.

Commonwealth Creek Snowshoe

Commonwealth Creek is a nice gentle winter stroll unless you don't wear snowshoes and end up post-holing through the whole trek like a few of us did.

Victoria Trip

We have not spent much time in Victoria over the years, so it was nice to explore a good portion of the inner city and visit with some local friends.

Common Cold Healing Remedies

The common cold seems to strike all of us and especially during the winter season.  There are many natural healing remedies to mitigate the impacts.

Covid Changes to Golf

The game of golf has benefitted from the current Covid environment and in this article, my business associate, Justin Lukacs, explores some of the changes.

Spencer Creek Hike

Spencer Creek always seems to hold a bit more adventure than we realize going in as four of our tribe took a wrong turn near the bottom and ended up at Sparrowhawk.