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Sparrowhawk Hike

Due to unexpectedly deep snow, we zig-zagged around Read's Ridge which presented a number of challenges with deep snow and loose scree.

Top Four Travel Surprises

The best part about travel is when places exceed expectations.  I've summarized the four places that stood out from the 44 countries we have visited.

Evan Thomas Waterfalls Hike

Evan Thomas Waterfalls is a mostly modest hike (other than the climb into the canyon) with some spectacular icefalls along the entire route.

Jura Creek Hike

Jura Creek is a nice hike as it's close to Calgary, moderate in effort, and provides some beautiful views as well as a unique slot canyon.

Top Five (or Six) Books

I’ve been fortunate enough to read 50 books since I entered Life 3.0 back in 2019, which have run the gamut from ‘hard to get through’ to ‘utterly fascinating’.