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Old Goat Glacier Hike

Old Goat Glacier is not a highly traveled trail, likely due to the steepness of the middle pitch and the tricky footing along the edge of the glacial moraine.

Rummel Lake Hike

Rummel Lake is one of our regular trails that never disappoints as it's a good workout without killing the lungs and has some great scenery.

Goat’s Peak Hike

Goat's Peak is located on the west side of Okanagan Lake between Peachland and West Kelowna and has panoramic views of Okanagan Lake and the surrounding mountains.

Aberdeen Columns Hike

The Aberdeen Columns are a hidden gem not far from Vernon and are one of the most amazing geological structures I've ever seen.

Bluenose Mountain Hike

Bluenose Mountain is close to Vernon and provides a good workout in a relatively short period of time with some amazing views of the surrounding area.

Spencer Creek Hike

Spencer Creek is a great hike, so it was surprising that the only people on the trail were our group of sixteen on this particular day.

King’s Creek Ridge Hike

King's Creek Ridge is a StairMaster for 2 km on the way up but offers some spectacular views of the mountain range to the east that you don't see from Highway 40.

Old Growth Forest Hike

The Old Growth Forest trail is a great family-friendly hike along a logging road near Nelson B.C.  The cedar trees are massive.