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City on the Edge of Forever Hike

The City on the Edge of Forever hike offers some of the best views of Kelowna and the surrounding area. It's a steep climb on some loose shale but well worth it.

Grassi Knob Hike

Grassi Knob is a very convenient hike as it starts right in Canmore.  It is a steep grunt to the top but the views are spectacular.

Engagement Peak Hike

Engagement Peak is close to Calgary and is a fun hike with a challenging climb and sweeping 360 degree views at the top.

Wildhorse Canyon North Loop

This was my first time hiking the full Wildhorse North Canyon Loop trail and it offers great views amidst the burnt but scenic landscape.

Dining Podcast with Ed Malcolm

Dining out with family, friends and business colleagues is a fun experience that has cultivated itself at restaurants around the world over the past thirty years.

Travel Podcast with Ed Malcolm

In this first of a new series of podcasts, host Justin Lukacs interviews the founder of Edventure Ltd., Ed Malcolm, about his worldly travels.

Lebanon Creek Hike

Lebanon Creek is a good workout as it goes virtually straight up for the whole hike other than a section where you drop down into the creek bed.

Spencer Creek Hike

Spencer Creek is not a well-known hike but it offers some majestic views, nice water features, a good workout without killing the lungs, and is close to Canmore.

Heart Mountain Hike

The Heart Mountain Horseshoe Loop is one of the most challenging hikes in the Bow Valley, but it does offer amazing 360 degree views.