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Moringa Oleifera Herb

On a recent trip to Belize, we had a most enjoyable visit to the Belize Spice Farm & Botanical Garden.


During our tour, I asked our very knowledgeable guide what he felt was the best overall herb, and he immediately blurted out ‘moringa’.


It is also known as the drumstick tree, the miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree (almost sounds like it’s on the witness protection program…ha ha).


Moringa has been used for centuries due to its medicinal properties and health benefits.


Some of its benefits are as follows:

  • raises iron in blood – helps the body absorb iron improving red blood count
  • heals anemia
  • vitamin B 1,2,3, A, C, magnesium
  • lowers high blood sugar
  • lowers high blood pressure
  • good for eyes [dilation vessels]
  • heal’s asthma and bronchitis
  • suppresses cancer cells
  • nourishes skin and hair
  • helps with arthritis and bones
  • helps with depression and anxiety and fatigue
  • combating infections
  • assists with ulcerative colitis


Check out this video for more details on this beautiful herb.



As always, with any health information, please seek the guidance of a qualified health advisor to determine the best needs for you.