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Healthy Nutrition, Drug Gang, and Kidnapping – Book Reviews

My latest reads were about healthy nutrition, a drug gang, and a famous kidnapping.


Superlife – The 5 Simple Fixes by Darin Olien:

  • Darin is widely recognized as an authority and valuable resource on plant-based nutrition, supplement formulation, and elite performance programs
  • after 20+ years of travel and extensive research, he published the book ‘Superlife: The Five Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit & Eternally Awesome’
  • his statement that the U.S. represents 5% of the world’s population but takes 80% of all prescription painkillers is right on point for the impact of Big Pharma on our North American mindset
  • the book provides beneficial information that resonated with my prior learnings and added a few new ideas for my health regime
  • it is an easy read that I would recommend to anyone that wants to take their health and wellness to the next level
  • we also watched the Netflix series ‘Down To Earth With Zac Effron’ who traveled around the world with Darin to find healthy, sustainable ways to live, and it was quite enjoyable


The Inn by James Patterson and Candice Fox:

  • Boston detective, Bill Robinson, left the city under suspect circumstances to open an Inn along the rocky New England coast in Gloucester
  • his peaceful existence with his twelve residents is broken when a new crew of deadly criminals moves into town, bringing drugs and violence to the front door of the inn
  • unannounced to him, his misfit renters have interesting backgrounds that would serve him well in his pursuit of justice
  • I enjoyed the story as it provided some fascinating insight into the impact that gangs can have on communities anywhere around the world
  • this may not be a masterpiece, but it’s a typical fun and easy Patterson read
  • Candice Fox is a top-selling Australian crime writer who has partnered with Patterson on a few novels
  • Patterson has donated over three million books to schoolkids and the military, donated more than seventy million dollars to support education, and endowed over five thousand college scholarships for teachers


A House In The Sky by Amanda Lindhout & Sara Corbett:

  • a dramatic and redemptive memoir of a woman whose curiosity led her to the worlds most beautiful and remote places, its most imperiled and perilous countries, and then into fifteen months of harrowing captivity in Somalia, which is one of the most dangerous places on the planet
  • she grew up impoverished and in a dysfunctional family in Central Alberta, where she sifted through copies of National Geographic and dreamed of one day traveling the world
  • from there, she saved her tip money as a cocktail waitress in Calgary before she embarked on her world travels
  • this story is fascinating and beyond sad to see what Amanda went through during her time in captivity, waiting to see if somebody could raise the ransom money to spring her and her Australian travel mate (Nigel) free
  • it hits even closer to home as she lived and worked in Calgary, and we may have crossed paths along the way (she now lives in Calgary near a friend of mine)
  • being a world traveler myself, it does make one wonder how high the stakes are to travel to certain countries around the world and whether it’s worth satisfying the travel curiosity juices
  • the question that many people have asked is, did the odds of something tragic happening catch up with her given her propensity to travel to such dangerous countries to satisfy her curiosity