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Fascinating stories from three different continents

Born A Crime by Trevor Noah:

  • this book is about Trevor’s compelling, inspiring, and comically sublime upbringing in Johannesburg during the twilight of apartheid
  • Trevor was born to a white Swiss father and a black Xhosa mother during a time when such a union was punishable by five years in jail
  • his story is one of a mischievous young boy who grows into a restless young man
  • it’s hard to fathom this illogical period of time where racism, violence, and mistreatment went unreported under the media’s eye
  • I enjoyed this book as the history of Africa (where I’ve been three times) intrigues me immensely
  • Trevor Noah is a comedian from South Africa who was Jon Stewart’s successor on The Daily Show


Wild Roses Are Worth It by Kevin Van Tighem:

  • Kevin is a former superintendent of Banff National Park, has written more than 200 articles, stories, and essays on conservation and wildlife, which have garnered him many awards
  • he is a deep-rooted Albertan with strong opinions, an immense work ethic, and a deep love of nature
  • this book is a summary of his years of experience seeing where Alberta has headed environmentally over the past few decades and what it takes to leave it for the next seven generations
  • it was interesting for me as he is a bit more left-wing leaning than I am, but his points on the environment were well taken and came from years of research and personal experience
  • I would recommend this to open-minded people who want to become more well rounded in their views and to leave the world a better place


Magdalena – River of Dreams by Wade Davis:

  • Wade brings vividly to life the story of the great Rio Magdalena, illuminating Colombia’s complex past, present, and future
  • the Magdalena River is the lifeline that runs the length of the nation and for centuries allowed Colombians to settle their mountainous, geographically unique region – one of the most challenging on the planet
  • it is a cultural wellspring of music, poetry, and literature, which in dark times served as the nation’s graveyard
  • Wade never downplays the violence of the country and its harsh history, but he also brings out much of his love for its geography, environment, music, and, most notably, the people of this wonderful country
  • what stuck with me was the sheer complexity and challenges of this nation, along with the number of upstart organizations that people created over the years to try to govern their regions
  • this book is a long read but incredibly well researched and provides a fascinating look into this often misunderstood nation
  • I have always been intrigued by Colombia and even more so since my trip there in 2017
  • Wade is a renowned, award-winning, bestselling author and photographer, and National Geographic Explorer in Residence